Craft Tutorials e-Book

Get immersed in making your very own Garden Art

Once you start making your own garden art, you'll be fascinated at what you can create. I can help you with instructions, tutorials and inspiration.


Most of my rustic crafts are fairly simple, and with my help you'll see how I do it, and get inspired to make these too.  The Craft Tutorial e-Book will include lots of details about some of my favorite crafts for my garden and home. 

Many people find they learn best by the visual method; if this sounds like you, I'll demonstrate exactly how I make these crafts; with plenty of detailed instructions so you can follow along and create with me.

The Craft Tutorials e-Book is a great way to jump start your imagination.

The projects are varied and geared to provide you with a wide array of very fun finished crafts; I'll go into lots of detail, including some ways of customizing yours and making them totally different than anyone else's craft.

It will be so much fun and you will come away with some great crafts for your garden and home.

This extensive compendium of tutorials covers the gamut - from twig crafts, to hypertufa, to succulent spheres and wreaths.  There's something for everybody!

Want to be notified when this e-book is released? It will be sometime in the fall of 2021 2023.

Craft Tutorials e-Book

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Coming Soon - Watch This Space!

Learn what it takes to be creative - we all have the gene but how do we develop it? Get the free guide!

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Free How To Be Creative Guide

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