i dont know if its a craft but i love making stuff

by jae



i often take my grandchildren on hikes
they do it that often that its become natural to them, i have thier mam on the phone everytime they go out or on a day trip lol to say i have a bag of stuff here quite often special rocks or branches,twigs,shells acorns fir cones.
we recycle all our plastic waste by turning it into something new.

they kids love showing of there yogurt pot fairy houses or caves they have made from stones, or indeed pop bottle houses

all in all great fun and i hate waste

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That's awesome!
by: Jacki

Kids love making crafts from found objects - that's how I got started! They will never forget those days of hunting for things to use in their creations, and they'll have the memory of that precious time you spent with them for the rest of their lives.

I'm so happy that you posted - more people should spend time doing exactly what you've described - it's so good for the soul!

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