In the Heart of Tennessee

by Eddie Joe Sharp
(Linden, Tennessee, USA)

I can help in whatever you are searching for in the Middle Tennessee area. Just tell me your wants and needs. I'll see what I can do.

Woman of Many Sticks wants to know what the picture is - could it be wild cucumber, and what would you use this for? Inquiring minds...Please tell me more about what kinds of things you're able to supply, and what they can be used for - ie: herbs etc.

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Mar 28, 2012
murfreesboro somewhat knowledgable wildcrafter
by: Virginia

i am looking for a mentor in herbal medicine and someone wise to show me around the wild areas of Middle TN...willing to travel further. looking for wild edibles, medicines and just to learn more about the cycle of life. Thanks for any help, time or resources you can provide.

Apr 05, 2012
by: Mark

I know from personal experience by working in the hills of Tennesse west of Nashville that there is wild ginseng growing there. Do you pick and sell wild 'seng? I would be interested in some. Thank you. mroalson(at)

Oct 01, 2017
Woman of Many Sticks my Answer
by: Anne

I'm thinking your plant is a Chinese Okra. It also resembles a luffa gourd. The Chinese Okra spines go out and the luffa spines go in. Just my thinking!!

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