What's your funny garden quote?

by Jacki
(Grand Forks, B.C.)

Descriptive, Punny or full of Character?

Descriptive, Punny or full of Character?

You can add your garden quote in the comments below; enjoy what others have added, and send us your humorous gardening related saying.

Comments for What's your funny garden quote?

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Apr 05, 2013
Old Gardeners
by: Kay

Old Gardeners never die, they just go to seed....:)

Apr 05, 2013
Think like a tomato;
by: Tina

"Think like a tomato..Don't let the things that bug you eat away at you"

Apr 05, 2013
My Garden Poem
by: Unknown

"Your life is a garden
Your thoughts are seeds
You can grow flowers
or you can grow weeds"

Apr 05, 2013
Gardeners dirty secrets
by: Jocelyn

"Gardeners Know the Best Dirt!"

Apr 05, 2013
Garden Thought
by: Anonymous

"Gardens aren't just a place for plants to grow... it's a place for you to grow"

Apr 14, 2013
garden quotes
by: Sidney

Gardening forever...housework whenever!

Jul 13, 2013
Sign for my backyard
by: Anonymous

Because I have a dog, I had a sign made that says "Jack's Garden - Watch Your Step."

Aug 07, 2013
From a local nursery in Perth, WA
by: Pasquale

'Trespassers will be propagated, pruned and potted'

Aug 10, 2013
by: Richard

'Ring Bell -
IF No Answer Pull weeds'

Aug 11, 2013
In a Nursery...
by: James

'Unattended children will be given a free puppy and a double latte'

Aug 11, 2013
I don't know if you have this on your list...
by: Lori

"Gardeners know all the dirt!!"


"I didn't plant this" with an arrow pointing down to a plant.

Aug 11, 2013
In an Herb Garden...
by: Candy

"Eat Your Weedies"

Aug 12, 2013
My garden sign...
by: Linda

...would say "Hairy Potter"

Aug 12, 2013
Two Sayings
by: Alice

I have an old T-shirt that says "Perennial Optimist" . The best sign I've seen in a garden is "Grow, Dammit!"

Aug 12, 2013
There's More...
by: Linda

I have a hat from the Brooklyn Botanical Garden that reads "Plays in Dirt" Another to put next to an unidentified plant,"not a weed"

Aug 18, 2013
No offense, Horticulturists...
by: Donna

Haven't seen it on a sign, but being a Horticulturist I believe validates me being able to say/share this one..."You can lead a whore to culture (hor-ti-culture) but you can't make her think". I always get a chuckle from it.

Aug 18, 2013
by: Karl

How about "I like to hang out with mushrooms, they are fungi (fun guys)

Dec 11, 2013
Whimsy Giggles: Handcrafted Grins for Your Garden
by: GourdManDan

My rustic Garden Signs sell well at craft shows. Here is a top seller "Old Gardeners Never Die...They Just Lose Their Bloomers!"

Mar 28, 2014
garden saying
by: Kate Lily

Out here in the wild west, I heard this saying:
Gardening makes me as happy as a dead pig in the sunshine.

Jun 11, 2014
by: mae hopkins

Some people like custard on their rhubarb.
I prefer manure.

Jul 18, 2014
I have a sign that reads
by: Deanna

To plant a garden is to believe in the future

Jul 22, 2014
Gardening Stone says:
by: Maria

Do It in A Garden

Jan 20, 2015
For a house plant
by: Dawn atanley

Shh... She doesn't know I'm still alive!

Mar 04, 2015
garden sign
by: Jane

Happiness is bloomin' where you're loved.

Happiness is being planted in the garden.

Plant me in the garden...I love spending thyme here.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

Mar 11, 2015
My garden quote
by: Carla

Free wishes...but please take the whole dandelion!

Mar 11, 2015
garden plants
by: Carla

Oops, I wet my bloomers...

Mar 11, 2015
garden sayings
by: Carla

If you come to my garden...I will show you my bloomers!

Mar 11, 2015
garden sayings
by: Carla

"Flower Power"

Mar 26, 2015
garden sign
by: Diane

Bless My Bloomers

Apr 22, 2015
Costa Fortuni
by: Elizabeth Anne

I paint big rocks with 'Costa Fortuni"

It almost looks like a Latin name!

I enjoyed your site!

Feb 28, 2016
garden signs
by: Lynda

Friend has a little wooden sign in her pot plant at the front door "A grumpy old man and a garden gnome live here!"

Mar 17, 2016
on a sign with angel on it
by: Vicki

Leave room in your garden for angels to dance

Jul 06, 2016
Garden Quote
by: Libby Mitchell

WANTED: SINGLE man with strong back, to plow between rows in my garden today and hoe out weeds. MUST be GOOD lookin' so I have something pleasant to look at while you work.

It's summer! We're so happy we wet our plants

Oct 25, 2016
birds and the bees
by: Paul

Come to the garden to learn about the Birds and the Bees.

Feb 28, 2017
The Garden of Freedom
by: Anne Shiever

Welcome to The "GARDEN OF FREEDOM"
with Artwork by Planted Dreams
SO Keep YOUR EYES on the Road
NOT on my BLOOMERS! Flowers rest here.

May 26, 2017
"A Grumpy Weed & Beautiful Flower Live Here."
by: A. Sanborn

" A grumpy weed & a beautiful flower live here!"

Always makes me laugh since it's paired nicely with my darlin' hubby who dislikes garden, but is always by my side helping with the "tough" ideas implemented within our "growing" perennial/edible raised beds ... <3 my groom ...

Mar 01, 2021
Garden Saying
by: Anonymous

My bed isn’t made, dishes aren’t done , floors aren’t swept, but have you seen my garden?

Jan 07, 2022
Garden thoughts
by: Barb

To some, a dandelion is a weed.
To others it is a 1000 wishes .

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