Birds Nest Crafts

Intricate Structures for Added Charm

Birds nest crafts are formed from the unique and fascinating custom built homes that migratory songbirds and other garden birds make to raise their young.

Birds Nest Crafts

It's against the law to take a nest from a tree or wherever the parent bird built it, just in case it needs to be used again - several times, I've had robins nests that were refurbished for another brood, and once, another species of bird entirely took it on and built their nest inside it to fit their own needs.

It's apparently fine to retrieve the nest if it's in a bad place (ie; dangerous for the health of baby birds) or if it falls out of the tree in a storm.

It’s frowned upon to take nests that are in use, or in fact any migratory songbirds nests, however, if there is one in a place that puts it in danger, or a very unsuitable nesting spot (ie: too close to the ground for safely raising young birds) then it’s best to remove it.

Any that fall from their building spot in a tree will be unsafe if they’re returned to the tree by a human.

2 inches across, this hummingbird nest is a spectacular example of engineering

The best birds’ nests for crafts are those that are built firmly and carefully by the parent birds in a dry and weather proof place.

In case it's got bugs, put it in a plastic bag in the freezer for a week or two, or spray it with some kind of insecticide.

Inspecting the intricate weaving techniques that the bird uses to make the nest water tight and warm is fascinating.

They will twine together small sticks and vines for the outer layer, gradually using finer and finer materials, ending with down plucked from their own breasts for a soft mattress for their youngsters.

I use tiny found bird nests to accent twig wreaths or simply to decorate a mantel or shelf. Tiny birds’ eggs can be placed inside, or use beads or other small objects.

Collection of treasures - birds nests

In some cases, the parent birds will raise several broods in quick succession, so never take a nest that has the potential to be re-used. The ambitious parents simply build a new nest on the foundation of the old one - up to three times in succession.

Keep in mind that sometimes parasites are left behind in the nest so it’s best to leave it outside to freeze for the winter in a dry place before you use it in a craft.

Display these special and beautiful creations in rustic shelves, bird cages or in a grouping together to compare their great forms and marvel over the birds that made them.  See more about how I display them on the Eclectic Eggporeum page.

Kate's lovely selection of beautiful nests...

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