Wardian Case

by Kyle
(Portland, Maine)

I've been wanting to have a Wardian case for quite some time, but spending oodles of money on it is not an option.

So, I've been looking into building one. The window frame idea seems like the perfect platform for it. I found your window frame Wardian case on Google images and thought you may be able to offer some insight.

Did you cut triangular glass pieces for the upper side parts of the case? How did you fasten all of your window frames together? I've also been wondering about the bottom. I want to fill mine as a terrarium in my apartment. Did you just mount yours on a coffee table? Or did you protect the coffee table with just paint as you don't have any soil directly on it?

Thanks for your time,


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Nov 20, 2014
Some insight
by: Jacki

That Wardian Case is not actually mine, someone sent the picture to me.

There are quite a few on Pinterest that might be worth looking at.

For using old windows you need to be sure they're sound and not rotting, because you'll be using them for something that will expose them to moisture.

To fasten the windows together I would use the kind of brackets that you can get at the hardware store that are either an 'L' shape or straight with holes for screws. Pre-drill the screw holes so that you don't split the wood.

The coffee table idea is a good one, or an end table type thing, but it would probably take more than just painting it to protect it from moisture. I would line the whole thing with plastic film to keep the moisture off the wood.

Cutting glass to fit the angles of the roof is a tough proposition - if you do this, get new glass which won't be so brittle to cut it (or make a paper template to take to the glass shop and they will cut it for you with their tools - much safer!)

You've inspired me to get going on one of my own now - thank you!

Dec 20, 2014
Pinterest Board
by: Jacki

I've put together a board specifically for more ideas to make Wardian Cases. You can see more here.

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