The long days filled with sunshine really have my energy up. I've felt very inspired the past few days and have a lot of projects on the go, all at the same time.
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Flipping between digging a swale to direct rainwater away from the house, fixing up and renovating my biggest satellite dish planter, and building a twig lattice fence, there is a lot going on.
June can be a rainy month, and you know it's just a matter of time before the heat arrives, so it's good to get the heavy construction out of the way first.
The swale is important, as all the water off the driveway heads directly towards the house.
I also spent a few minutes making a sign out of a very weathered canoe paddle.
A blinding strike of inspiration, and a few minutes later, a sign was made for the porch.
Acrylic craft paints do the honors; find out more about my rustic garden signs and how I paint them here.
The crowning glory; a verdigris fishing spoon used to lure the fish closer.
The twig lattice fence is taking shape; these Amelanchier twigs were collected from the debris left behind by a road side crew, trimming brush around power lines.
Two wires are now strung between arches, and I'll work on wiring on the twigs to form a lattice.
On the far right of the picture, you can see yet another project under way; the swale to move the rain water away from the house. Speaking of lattice...
Now a bit weathered and worn, these lattice panels are shown here. Now they can have a second (or is that third?) life as shutters for the window.
I also recycled some cracked terracotta pots - I hate to throw anything away! So they got remade into a fairy garden, complete with miniature Sedum and other plants.
More on that here; terracotta fairy garden. And more on how to break the terracotta pot to make it out of.
So that's it for my Solstice - with these long days, it's great to find inspiration and excitement to get a few fun and rustic projects done. I find, the more I do, the more motivated I get to do even more. It's contagious!
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