Rustic Painted Doors

Make Your Door Unique

Add pizazz to even a plain dwelling or shed; make a Rustic Painted Door.  A recycled door from a garage sale or junk shop can be painted in a whimsical style, or with 'faux' paint techniques, or distressed.

Rustic Painted Doors

Some of my garden sheds are taken to the next level with a funky door, painted in a trompe de oeil style (fool the eye, in French) to look like rugged old barn board, or with flowers on a trellis (for the greenhouse, how apt!) or distressed to just look old.

This door made from a piece of styrofoam sandwiched between plywood, keeps the root cellar cool in summer, warm in winter.

So far, this root cellar embedded in the hillside, has never frozen inside.

Glory Be, the Root Cellar, with 'barnboard' painted door

Painted with leaves or other leafy design, just like my camouflage pots, gives an old door a new life. 

The painted door on the greenhouse was recycled, just another old door from a demolition project. 

Sanded a bit, and painted with a trellis and Clematis, it's given a new life;

Greenhouse Door painted with flowers on a trellis

If you've been finding old hardware in your travels (or making your own rustic hardware), this type of door is the perfect place to use them; An old brass handle, and a barrel lock make the perfect accent for the Eggporeum;

Vintage Hardware on the Eggporeum door

I painted this door with clouds for a friend to put on her shed; This is the first time I experimented with the cloud painting technique I used here.

Door with painted clouds

Whatever your need, a rustic painted door will be the finishing touch. 

A black painted door with trees and grass on was a custom job that I did for some friends to cover their electric meter;

Black Painted Door

Try your hand at making something boring and plain into something magical.

Use my favorite acrylic paints, like all these doors shown here, and coat with a water based acrylic coating. I prefer the paint on type, but the spray will work just as well, if more expensive.

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