Seaglass Mermaid

A Vintage Bottle and Some Beach Finds Merge

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Walking along the beach at Guernsey Cove, one of our favorite haunts, delivered a surprise - for all of us.


Glimmering in the sand, glowing from the sun hitting it at exactly the right angle, was a round piece of seaglass. I was so surprised at the shape, and the color, that I lost my balance and fell down on the sand.

Luckily, it was a soft landing, and it struck us, and the other two tourists we met there, as funny.

seaglass-mermaid-seaglass-pieces600x800.jpgPieces of seaglass, waiting for the inspiration

After helping me up, and salvaging the unusual orange seaglass, we went on our way.

After I got home,  I looked for a way to use this piece on a craft, as it was so different and unique. I hit upon the idea of using a small glass bottle that had been in the bathroom window for a while. I had put one of the glass stoppers that I bought on Etsy into the top, but it almost disappeared.

seaglass-mermaid-stopper600x450.jpgSeaglass enhanced bottle stopper

I played around with some pieces of glass, and in time, put them into their final configuration.

Gluing them into place on the vintage bottle took moments, with the help of the B7000 glue with the fine work tip on the tube. It's designed for rhinestones, but works perfectly for seaglass. It dries clear, so the finished result is fabulous on the little bottle.

seaglass-mermaid-before-the-glue600x800.jpgAll the pieces of seaglass and the vintage bottle

In addition to the mermaid on the bottle itself, I also glued a small piece on top of the stopper to give it more height.

Another project I did in a similar vein was the Encrusted Cannonball.

seaglass-mermaid-vintage-bottle600x800.jpgSeaglass Mermaid, swimming away

So if you're on a beach walk, keep your eyes open - the best place seems to be where the sand is damp and there are a few stones. The seaglass seems to settle there from the wave action, and the best time is after a storm.

Happy Hunting!

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