Twig Easel

Display your art or garden sign

In the spirit of keeping a theme going, this twig easel holds rustic garden art, like a hand painted garden sign or even a found object.


Three legged, with beads as accents, this easel is only a foot or so high.  Perfect for a table top or mantle display, this is made from willow twigs, but you could use any kind of twig, even driftwood.

Three twigs for legs, with beads in betweenThree twigs for legs, with beads in between - the wire is threaded through holes drilled at the same height in each leg, then alternately through the beads

Three pieces the same length make up the legs - the back one can be longer, or more decorative.

One is pointed backwards, two forwards, with wire threaded through holes drilled towards the top of each leg. 

The beads can be threaded alternately to make it easier to swivel the pieces, especially if you're using something more rugged than the smooth willow twigs pictured here.

Tightening the wire with needlenose pliersTightening the wire with needlenose pliers

Another length of twig makes up the front of the easel.  This can be forked, or branched to add interest. 

This piece is wired on the the front legs, with the wire left long enough to loop all the way around the back leg.

This way, there's no way the easel can flatten out, leaving your display in tatters.

The wire holds the front twig on, then winds around the back leg to prevent it from spreading too farThe wire holds the front twig on, then winds around the back leg to prevent it from spreading too far

The ends of each twig can be rasped or sanded to stop the bark from peeling, or just peel it off and enjoy the bare wood underneath. 

Keep in mind that the bark adds much more thickness to the twigs. 

If you plan to peel them, gather and cut them thicker than you think.

Front view of the twig easelFront view of the twig easel

Each wire end is wound around the needlenose pliers to make a pigtail to prevent getting caught on everything. 

Twig Easel - a great rustic display propTwig Easel - a great rustic display prop

Use your finished twig easel to display a flat object such as a sign or a painting on plywood, like the trees that I painted. 

It fits right in to the theme of rustic displays, especially as it ages and the bark turns color. 

The new bark may be green, but as it dries out it changes to either rusty brown or dark brown, depending on the type of twig you use, and to some degree, the time of year.

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